Play through the Heat: Beating the Summer Heat on the Golf Course

Experts in the Field of Refreshment

As a seasoned golfer and a resident of sun-soaked Myrtle Beach, battling the blistering summer heat is an experience that I’ve come to master over time. Considering the vast array of golf courses right here in Myrtle Beach, it’s not surprising to find a yawning green beckoning you for a game under the fierce midday sun. So, if you fancy testing your stroke in summer without wilting like wilted greens, here are a few tips I’ve gleaned over my years on the course in Myrtle Beach.

Stay Hydrated, Stay Strong

Hydration is pivotal to conquering the sun, whether you’re on the fairway, in the sand, or waiting by the green. Consider your hydration strategy as crucial as your game strategy. Always keep bottle of water or a sports drink to replenish lost electrolytes during play. Remember to drink regularly, don’t wait until you get thirsty. Dehydration can quickly reduce concentration levels, negatively impacting your game.

Smart Timing: Play Early, Play Late

If you have the luxury of choosing your tee times, opt for early morning rounds; conditions are usually cooler and greens tend to be less trafficked. Alternatively, late afternoon rounds may also provide some respite from the heat as the sun begins to set. The picturesque Myrtle beach sunsets make for a serene backdrop, enhancing your experience with nature’s glorious show.

Summer Wear – Sun Smart and Stylish

Proper attire is paramount. Opt for materials that are sweat-wicking and lightweight, helping maintain a normal core body temperature. Invest in long sleeves, hats, and sunglasses. Incorporating UV-protective clothing into your golf attire is also a smart choice to defend against harmful UV rays. And don’t forget about your feet! Breathable golf shoes offer superior comfort, preventing sweaty and discomforting situations.

Reapply Sunscreen Regularly

While most golfers apply sunscreen before their round begins, many fall into the trap of not reapplying it throughout their playing session. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to all exposed areas of your skin and take a small travel size sunscreen in your bag for reapplication.

Seek Shade Whenever Possible

Shade is an ally during baking hot playing conditions. While waiting for your turn, seek out the nearest tree or umbrella. Riding on a golf cart? Capitalize on the brief relief that the roof provides. Shade not only provides immediate coolness but is also crucial in preventing heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke.

In Myrtle Beach, we have close to 100 exquisite golf courses and summer months bring a vibrant, dynamic energy to the greens. Hence, it’s even more crucial to play smartly to beat the heat. Incorporating these tips into your game, you’ll be well on your way to ensure an enjoyable golf experience – regardless of how challenging the course or how high the temperature. Stay cool!

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